• COVID-19 Response Team

Caroline County Announces First in a Series of Community Testing

The Caroline County Health Department (CCHD) is in the process of developing a comprehensive COVID-19 Testing Plan to outline the strategy that will be used to test county residents for the COVID-19 virus and conduct disease surveillance. Aggressive, methodical surveillance will allow the CCHD to monitor the spread and intensity of the pandemic, to enable contact tracing to slow transmission, and to identify disease clusters requiring special intervention.

One part of this effort will be conducting free community points of testing. The first scheduled community point of testing associated with this strategy will be in Marydel on June 20, 2020 from 11:00AM to 1:00PM at Immaculate Conception Church. Testing will be open to any symptomatic individuals, as well as anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • Contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases (e.g., contact tracing, outbreak or cluster investigation);

  • Residents and staff of congregate living settings and long-term care facilities;

  • Healthcare workers and first responders;

  • Patients, especially high-risk unstable patients, whose care would be altered by a diagnosis of COVID-19;

  • Individuals employed in close contact settings; and

  • Individuals previously in a large gathering.

Testing in Marydel is open to all Maryland residents, and interested residents do not need an appointment or a doctor’s order to get tested. Interested persons must have picture ID (government, work, or school issued will be accepted).

We will announce new testing events as they are scheduled.

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